A downloadable game

It’s the early 21st century and monsters have invaded our world. With them, they brought the apocalypse and all sorts of supernatural problems. Once sprawling metropolises have now been reduced to desolate wastelands. Our world has been invaded by monsters of occultish nature and because of it, strange magics are beginning to run rampant through the lands. Haven is a tabletop role-playing game about a group of people who live in this ruined world and how they deal with the horrors of living in the apocalypse.

We play to see if the characters can survive the apocalypse, deal with the problems of the wastelands, create pockets for humanity to thrive, and defeat our monstrous invaders.

Haven is best enjoyed with a group of 4 to 5 people, one person will take on the role as the GM and the rest will play the survivors. Haven is heavily Powered by the Apocalypse and was slightly Forged in the Dark

If you would like to read the text only version of Haven, you may look at the playtest document. The doc is updated more regularly with newer patches of rules. The PDF found here will be updated when large chunks of rules are fully written and ready. This project is currently in development, with the current version being v0.2.1. All playtesting notes are in the PDF. If you have any questions or concerns, my email is natedurell@gmail.com.

If you would like updates for Haven, be sure to follow me @nm_dart on Twitter.


Haven_PlaybooksandRefs_v0.2.0.pdf 229 kB
Haven_Playtest_v0.2.1.pdf 4.2 MB

Development log

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